creative drive

Parker Kaufman speaking about his father, Beat poet Bob Kaufman:

"It's frustrating when everyone's telling you, 'How dare you talk back to your dad? He's a genius,' " Parker says. "Meanwhile, it's O.K. for him to sleep on the sofa all day, drinking beer and smoking four packs of cigarettes."

Children of the Beats by Daniel Pinchbeck
Nov. 5, 1995, The New York Times Magazine

[And When I Die, I Won't Stay Dead, documentary about Bob Kaufman]

better than silence

I am working and trying to deserve the privilege of speaking, writing, and knowing perfectly well that the only words which really deserve to exist are words better than silence, but it’s not easy to find these words. Because language is such a word. The language of silence seems to be much more powerful. It’s a great challenge. That’s why I go on working and working, looking for words, chasing words.

—Eduardo Galeano, interview by Robert Birnbaum, published July 18, 2006 on Identity Theory